Become a Member
Membership is open to all LBNL employees.
We ask that every member join one or more of the subcommittees that carries out the objectives of the WSEC. Subcommittees include: Policy, Networking and Empowerment.
The entire WSEC meets quarterly in January, April, July, and October. The subcommittees meet on the alternative months (February, March, May, June, August, September, November, and December). In total, for someone serving on one subcommittee there is one meeting (full council or subcommittee) per month.
Member Roles
Appointed members - Division Representatives
Each division is requested to nominate one scientists/engineer to the council. This will ensure representation throughout LBL campus. The criteria for appointed members are
The scientist/engineer should have a strong interest in women’s issues.
The appointed individual must be willing to act as a liaison between the women in their division, the WSEC, and the director.
The appointed individual must commit to 3 hours/month.
The appointed individual must commit to attend the one hour WSEC meetings (committee and at least one subcommittee) each month.
The appointed individual must meet with her/his division director quarterly, to act as communicate issues concerning the WSEC and women scientists/engineers in their division.
Volunteer members
Any LBL employee can join the WSEC.
The volunteer should have a strong interest in women or family policy issues.
They must commit to attend the one hour WSEC meetings (committee and at least one subcommittee) each month.