gLobal ERG


The purpose of gLoBaL (“LBL” inside of “global”) is to provide support and a sense of community for Berkeley Lab employees who have moved to the United States from another country via:


Past News & Events

2022 Accomplishments

Member Highlights

Antoine Wojdyla & Alisa Bettale, Co-Chairs

Living thousands of miles away from family and friends is never easy. It is more challenging during a pandemic. The co-chairs of the Lab’s gLoBaL ERG, Antoine Wojdyla and Alisa Bettale, share their challenges and what they are doing to make it easier for their fellow international colleagues.  Read the full interview>>

Supid Dosanjh, Executive Sponsor

gLoBaL is not a typo. It is the name of the newly re-started employee resource group designed to raise awareness of the Lab’s international community. Sudip Dosanjh, NERSC Division Director, is the executive sponsor and shares the challenges and priorities of the group. Read the full interview>>

Antoine Wojdyla, Co-Chair

A lightbulb, battery, and some wire in the Caribbean started Antoine Wojdyla on his curiosity journey. He is now at the Lab working on the ALS upgrade project. Read more about his remarkable path as we continue looking at the role accelerators have played in the Lab's history and its future. Read the full interview>>


Executive Sponsor

Sudip Dosanjh, Division Director, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)

Membership Information